
Book Chapters

  1. Upulee Kanewala, Anders Lundgren, and James M. Bieman, Chapter Seven - Automated Metamorphic Testing of Scientific Software, Software Engineering for Science , CRC Press, pages 149 -174, 2016.
  2. Rafael A.P. Oliveira, Upulee Kanewala, and Paulo A. Nardi, Chapter Three - Automated Test Oracles: State of the Art, Taxonomies, and Trends, Advances in Computers , Elsevier, Volume 95, pages 113 - 199, 2015.

Journal Articles

  1. Upulee Kanewala, Faqeer Ur Rehemen, and Sergio Segura, Metamorphic Testing forMachine Learning: A Guided Tour, IEEE Software , Under preparation.
  2. Madhusudan Srinivasan, Hongchuan Wang, Prashanta Saha and Upulee Kanewala, Improving the Effectiveness of Metamorphic Testing through Metamorphic Relation Prioritization, Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability , Submitted.
  3. Upulee Kanewala and T.Y. Chen, Metamorphic Testing: A Simple yet Effective Approach for Testing Scientific Software, IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering , 21(1), 66 -72, 2018.
  4. Upulee Kanewala, James M. Bieman, and Asa Ben-Hur, Predicting metamorphic relations for testing scientific software: A machine learning approach using graph kernels, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability , 26, 245-269, 2016.
  5. Upulee Kanewala and James M. Bieman, Testing scientific software: A systematic literature review, Information and Software Technology, 56(10): 1219 - 1232, 2014.

Peer-Reviewed Conference and Workshop Papers

  1. Prashanta Saha and Upulee Kanewala, Fault Detection Electiveness of Metamorphic Relations Developed for Testing Supervised Classifiers, Proc 2019 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest) , Newark, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 157-164.
  2. Morteza Pourreza Shahri, Madhusudan Srinivasan, Gillian Renollds, Diane Bimczok, Indika Kahanda and Upulee Kanewala, Metamorphic Testing for Quality Assurance of Protein Function Prediction Tools, Proc 2019 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest) , Newark, CA, USA, 2019, pp. 140-148.
  3. Bonnie Hardin and Upulee Kanewala, Using Semi-supervised Learning for Predicting Metamorphic Relations, Proc 3rd International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, ACM, pages 14-17, 2018.
  4. Karishma Rahman and Upulee Kanewala, Predicting Metamorphic Relations for Matrix Calculation Programs, Proc 3rd International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, ACM, 10-13, 2018.
  5. Prashanta Saha and Upulee Kanewala, Fault Detection Effectiveness of Source Test Case Generation Strategies for Metamorphic Testing, Proc 3rd International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, ACM, 2018, 2-9.
  6. Madhusudan Srinivasan, Morteza Pourreza-Shahri, Indika Kahanda, and Upulee Kanewala, Quality Assurance of Bioinformatics Software: A Case Study of Testing a Biomedical Text Processing Tools Using Metamorphic Testing, Proc 3rd International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing, ACM, 2018, 26-33.
  7. Anders Lundgren and Upulee Kanewala, Experiences of Testing Bioinformatics Programs for Detecting Subtle Faults, Proc International Workshop on Software Engineering for Science (SE-CSE), pages 16-22, 2016.
  8. Utkarsh Goel, James Espeland, Upulee Kanewala, and Mike P. Wittie. Quality Assurance of a Mobile Network Measurement Testbed Through Systematic Software Testing , ISCA Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE), 2016.
  9. Upulee Kanewala, Techniques for Automatic Detection of Metamorphic Relations, Proc IEEE Seventh International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW) , pages 237 - 238, 2014.
  10. Upulee Kanewala and James M. Bieman, Using machine learning techniques to detect metamorphic relations for programs without test oracles, Proc IEEE 24th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), pages 1 - 10, 2013.
  11. Upulee Kanewala and James M. Bieman, Techniques for testing scientific programs without an oracle, Proc 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering (SE-CSE), pages 48 - 57, 2013.

Peer-Reviewed Abstracts

  1. M. Pourezza-Shahri, Madhusudan Srinivasan, Upulee Kanewala and Indika Kahanda, A Look Back at the Quality of Protein Function Prediction Tools in CAFA, Function COSI, Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Chicago, IL, USA, 2018.

Other Pre-prints

  1. Janette Rounds and Upulee Kanewala, A Metamorphic Testing Based Approach for Testing Genetic Algorithm Implementations, 2017.